Etiquette FUNdament & Culture Coach

Etiquette Fundament and Culture coach does much more than just teaching you the rules of etiquette. It shows you how to be truly hospitable in both a national and international environment; shows you how to establish a genuine connection with clients, employees, customers and colleagues.

It is all about achieving a higher level of inner control, thereby enabling you to build respectful relationships in both personal and business interactions. All thoughts, feelings, emotions and expressions have consequences on a universal level. Politeness on a personal level is therefore likely to translate into commercial success.

We incorporate the theoretical framework of several prominent scholars, theoreticians and practitioners in the field of communication and economics. Amongst them are Willem Verbeeke (Professor of Sales and Account management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam).  We use reconditioning practices ( and can provide you with the tools of how to flirt successfully within a business environment. The cultural context is provided by the  'Stepping Stones Model' of Jitske Kramer (founder of 'Human Dimensions').

We offer customized programs for your specific needs, and training grounded in research. During our workshops, however, we often approach serious subjects with a light touch, in a playful way. Stereotypes and biases, for instance, are exaggerated to accelerate the learning process. You will be shown how to make cultural diversity work for you: how to perceive diversity as a valuable asset in stead of an insurmountable barrier.

Don't miss out on a unique opportunity to having in depth experience in the etiquette and cultural practices that are necessary in every business and organization. Contact us and learn more about Etiquette Fundament and Culture coach, our background, goals, seminars and workshops! Please fill in the contact form below.  

Heleen Hulshof BA


Heleen Hulshof is an experienced trainer/coach in the fields of Etiquette and customs. Specialized in working with groups, individuals  and cooperate cultures.

Since 1999 she is entrepreneur and has coached and consulted (international) teams and leaders for business and government clients. She  founded Etiquette FUNdament and Culture Coach, based in the Netherlands. Before this she trained international Butlers and staff of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Her work could be described as paying attention to the role etiquette plays in problem solving in cultural dynamic surroundings and the miscommunication which might occur as a consequence of not following general etiquette combined with strategies of Human Dimensions.

Her motivation is finding the connection between people and to investigate on mirror neuron level what it is that people possible need and what can bring general etiquette and cultural intelligence to get there. Heleen is a inspiring and energetic speaker and loves to work with people from multicultural backgrounds. Recent clients in include: Essent Energy, Ministry of Finance, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Ernst & Young, , The Dutch.



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